Dead Control Panel I had some friends over and some of them wanted to play 1943 - Battle Of Midway so I had taken down the front opening of my cabinett to connect the PCB and then I put everything back in place. Plugged in the power and the machine started, inserted coin and pressed the "1 Player" button.. Nothing happened so I unplugged the powercord, opened the cabinett and looked around, everything looked okey so I restarted the machine, nothing happened again. I found the DIP-Switch settings and started it in "Test Mode" and tried to move the joysticks to see if anything happened, it was dead. Now I started to feel the panic slowly creeping in, since Im not that smart when it comes to electronics or wiring, so I posted a little question to the wonderful people at asking them what the problem could be and I pretty soon a user pointed me towards the right directions.
Maybe it's the GND cable to the control panel
Note This cable goes thru all the controllers, both buttons & joysticks. To explain it easy one could say that this cable makes things turn either On or Off and without it things like a button could never be pressed and have a function like "Fire" or "Start". So, without it nothing works. Im not an expert in anyway but I knew where to look (or atleast which cable to look at) and soon I saw that it had been torn off from where it oughta be soldered and therefor "killed" all action from the control panel. Next day I took the control panel down to work where I could solder the cable back to where it should be, Im no expert at fixing things (Im better at destroying them) and after a while I managed to get it to stick.. Now it's as good as new (besides bad soldering).. I guess that I managed to rip the GND cable from it's place when I removed the front to plug in the 1943 PCB. I did not unplug the plug & socket connectors that was wired to the coin mechanism and control panel which I should have. |